Sunday 27 January 2013

February Holy Ghost Service 2013

prophesies for year 2013 [This year shall be better than last year]


  • No matter the darkness around you, your star will shine brighter.
  • God will speak peace to your storm.
  • The reasons for stagnation will become known, addressed and eliminated. Therefore progress will follow.
  • In many senses of the word, this year shall be a year of completeness.


  • The prayers for some of you minimized the deaths of prominent Nigerians in the last year. Don't stop praying.
  • Before the middle of the year, many will say hope rising.
  • Learn from the disasters of 2012 and take precautions soonest to advert bigger ones.


  • Prominent world leaders need lots of prayers as not to die in office.
  • Prominent church leaders need prayers against planned scandals.
  • Weather conditions may get worse, much worse, unless prayers intensify.
  • Expect a major breakthrough in medicine.
  • Nations who pass unholy laws, will have a taste of divine fury.
about eaa get to know me better
The life of Enoch Adejare Adeboye is a fulfillment of the scriptures in Zechariah 4: 10 which declare, “despise not the days of small beginnings.” Born in 1942 into a humble family in the village of Ifewara, Osun State located in the South-western part of Nigeria Enoch Adeboye often humorously states that his family was so poor that even the poor people called them poor. As a matter of fact, he unashamedly tells his congregation that he never owned shoes until he was eighteen years of age. What he possessed though were physical intangibles such as focus, consistency, diligence, ambition, a brilliant mind and a determination to succeed in life.
In 1956 Enoch Adeboye was admitted into Ilesha Grammar School, Ilesha, Osun State, Western Nigeria and as a youth he discovered a passion for books, and an aptitude for science and in particular the field of Mathematics. This led to an academic journey in the field of Mathematics against incredible odds including but not limited to finances, the Nigerian Civil War and academic politics. By the time he was done, Enoch Adeboye had obtained not only a Bachelors (BSc.) degree in Mathematics from the University of Nigeria, Nnsukka, Nigeria in 1967, but also a Masters (MSc.) Degree in Hydrodynamics and a Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Applied Mathematics, both from the University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria in 1969 and 1975 respectively.
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KM 46 Lagos-Ibadan Express Way
Ogun State, Nigeria

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